CM-T3730: Linux: Angstrom

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The example run-time Linux filesystem image for CM-T3730 is based on Angstrom Linux 2012. The CompuLab Linux package for CM-T3730 includes ready to run Angstrom Linux filesystem image, Linux kernel and source code patches.

The default Angstrom Linux image includes more than 1000 software packages. Among them:

  • Core system
  • X11 Windowing System
  • Enlightenment v0.16 desktop manager
  • Firefox and Midory web browsers
  • Totem, MPlayer and omapfbplay media players
  • GStreamer with multiple plugins
  • The Graphics SDK version including the Linux graphics (SGX) drivers and ready to run SGX functionality demos
  • The Digital Video SDK (DVSDK) version including Linux kernel modules, multimedia and DSP packages and ready to run DSP functionality demos

The Getting started with Linux on CM-T3730 page provides a brief introduction on how to install the run-time Linux image. This article describes package structure and peripheral device options specific to the CM-T3730.

Package contents


The contents of the version.txt identifies the package version.


  • uImage-cm-t3730.bin - ready to run Linux kernel image binary for CM-T3730
  • Angstrom-image-cm-t3730.tar.bz2 - archive of Angstrom root file system
  • bootscr.img - U-Boot script used for booting kernel from MMC/SD card with root file system on MMC/SD card


  • uImage-3.0.38-cm-t3730-3.bin - ready to run Linux kernel 3.0.38-cm-t3730-3 for CM-T3730
  • linux-3.0.38-cm-t3730-3.config - Linux kernel 3.0.38-cm-t3730-3 configuration file
  • linux-3.0.38-cm-t3730-3.patch - patch vs. Linux stable kernel 3.0.38 with support for CM-T3730 peripherals
  • patches - ordered collection of patches, that form the single patch above (linux-3.0.38-cm-t3730-3.patch)


The oe directory contains configuration files and CM-T3730 specific package definition for OpenEmbedded.

  • base-revision - the OpenEmbedded commit id that was used to create the Angstrom root file system image.
  • local.conf - configuration file used to build Angstrom Linux image for CM-T3730. This file should be placed in ${OEBASE}/build/conf directory.
  • openembedded-cm-t3730-3.patch - patch vs. OE commit id specified in the base-revision to support CM-T3730
  • patches - ordered collection of patches, that form the single patch above (openembedded-cm-t3730-3.patch)
  • extra - directory contains miscellaneous files and examples
    • - archive of a sample Bitbake recipe that allows building a basic "Hello world" application


The utilities directory contains miscellaneous utilities useful for development

  • - TFTP server for Windows users
  • eeprom-util - CompuLab EEPROM utility for reading information found inside the EEPROM on CompuLab boards
  • bootscr.src - U-Boot script used for booting kernel from MMC/SD card with root file system on MMC/SD card


The extra directory contains files that are not directly connected to the Linux kernel or the OE framework

  • dvsdk_04_03_00_06 - directory contains DSP related files
    • dvsdk_04_03_00_06-cm-t3730-3.patch - patch that provides support for mainline Linux kernel and CM-T3730 device with the DVSDK
    • patches - ordered collection of patches, that form the single patch above (dvsdk_04_03_00_06-cm-t3730-3.patch)
  • Graphics_SDK_4_05_00_03 - directory contains graphics (SGX) related files
    • graphics_sdk_04_05_00_03-cm-t3730-3.patch - patch that fixes the Graphics SDK v4.05.00.03 compile time errors
    • patches - ordered collection of patches, that form the single patch above (graphics_sdk_04_05_00_03-cm-t3730-3.patch)

Using Angstrom Linux on CM-T3730

Display options

CM-T3730 evaluation platform has four video output interfaces: LCD, DVI, LVDS and TV-out. Default configuration of Angstrom Linux for CM-T3730 uses DVI as primary video output. It is possible to switch between the DVI and LCD interfaces on the fly. TV-out can be used simultaneously with LCD or DVI interface.
Linux implementation of the OMAP3 display subsystem is described in detail in Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS file in the Linux kernel source tree.

Display resolutions

  • The Toppoly LCD supplied with CM-T3730 evaluation kit supports 480x640 resolution with 18 bits per color
  • DVI output can be configured for standard resolutions using kernel command line parameter omapfb.mode:
    1024x768 - omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768-24@60
    800x600 - omapfb.mode=dvi:800x600-24@60
    640x480 - omapfb.mode=dvi:640x480-24@60
  • TV-out supports PAL and NTSC standards


Switch from LCD to DVI


w=`cat $dvi/timings | cut -d "," -f 2 | cut -d "/" -f 1`
h=`cat $dvi/timings | cut -d "," -f 3 | cut -d "/" -f 1`

echo "0" > $lcd/enabled
echo "" > $mgr0/display
fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -xres $w -yres $h -vxres $w -vyres $h
# at this point you have to switch the dvi/lcd dip-switch from the omap board
echo "dvi" > $mgr0/display
echo "1" > $dvi/enabled

Clone GFX overlay to LCD and TV


w=`cat $tv/timings | cut -d "," -f 2 | cut -d "/" -f 1`
h=`cat $tv/timings | cut -d "," -f 3 | cut -d "/" -f 1`

echo "0" > $ovl0/enabled
echo "0" > $ovl1/enabled

echo "" > $fb1/overlays
echo "0,1" > $fb0/overlays

echo "$w,$h" > $ovl1/output_size
echo "tv" > $ovl1/manager

echo "1" > $ovl0/enabled
echo "1" > $ovl1/enabled

echo "1" > $tv/enabled

Switch TV-out from PAL to NTSC

echo "0" $tv/enabled
echo "ntsc" $tv/timings
echo "1" $tv/enabled

GPIO access

Linux provides simple and convenient GPIO access via sysfs interface. A GPIO should be exported using /sys/class/gpio/export. After the GPIO is exported it is possible to change its direction and value using /sys/class/gpio/gpioX/direction and /sys/class/gpio/gpioX/value attributes.


The following example demonstrates how to configure GPIO 140 as output and produce a 1usec pulse:

echo 140 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio140/direction
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio140/value
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio140/value
usleep 1
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio140/value

Angstrom Linux package management

Angstrom Linux for CM-T3730 includes opkg package manager. It can be run from terminal command line.

Digital Video SDK


The Digital Video SDK (DVSDK) version provides multiple resourses for evaluation and application development for the TI DM3730 platform. Current CM-T3730 Linux package contains the following pre-built DVSDK components: Multimedia Package, DSP Package, and several demo applications for functionality demonstration and validation.

Multimedia Package includes:

  • Multimedia Framework Product (MFP)
    • Codec Engine Framework
    • Framework Components
    • Linux Utils (CMEM)
    • XDAIS (eXpress DSP Algorithm Interoperability Standard)
  • Davinci Multimedia Application Interface (DMAI)
  • DSP Optimized codecs
    • Encoders: H.264, MPEG-4, JPEG, G711
    • Decoders: H.264, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, AAC. JPEG, G711
  • DSP accelerated Gstreamer TI plugin

DSP Package includes:

  • C6000 code generation tool chain
  • DSP/BIOS Real Time Operating System
  • DSPLink Inter Processor Communication
  • C6Accel - easy access to DSP accelerated function libraries
  • C6Run - tool to easily run C code on the DSP

The DVSDK was built outside of OpenEmbedded framework and intensively tested with Linux kernel version 3.0.38. For custom Linux kernel build, the DVSDK must be re-built to avoid compatibility issues. This section describes how to configure Linux kernel at boot time and run DVSDK demos. For detailed DVSDK build instruction please refer to the CM-T3730: Linux: Building images page.

Kernel parameters

The framebuffer plains 1 and 2 must be enabled in the kernel command line for the GStreamer-TI package will work correctly:

vram=18M omapfb.vram=0:6M,1:6M,2:6M

Additionally, DSP kernel modules require a memory "window" in the kernel memory to allocate a heap buffer of 73MB at 0x83700000. This memory must not be used by any other module or process, so the following parameters must be added to the kernel command line:

mem=55M@0x80000000 mem=128M@0x88000000
Admolition note.png We do not recommend using DVSDK on CM-T3730 devices with less then 256MB of RAM.

Running Demos

Current CM-T3730 Linux package contains pre-built and ready to run DVSDK functionality demo programs. For additional information about the DVSDK demos please refer to the DVSDK Software Developers Guide.

DSPLink Examples

The DSPLink includes several sample application examples. Use the following example to run the demo applications on CM-T3730:

root@cm-t3730:~# cd /usr/share/ti/ti-dsplink-examples/
root@cm-t3730:/usr/share/ti/ti-dsplink-examples# ./

C6Accel Apps

The C6Accel package includes a small test application for benchmarking all the DSP kernel APIs for fixed point and floating point calculations. To run the application, run the following commands on CM-T3730:

root@cm-t3730:~# cd /usr/share/ti/c6accel-apps/
root@cm-t3730:~# ./c6accel_app


The Davinci Multimedia Application Interface (DMAI) includes small sample applications (and also source code). To run a DMAI sample application, make sure the current directory on CM-T3730 is ti-dmai-apps:

root@cm-t3730:~# cd /usr/share/ti/ti-dmai-apps/
Decode Examples

To decode an H.264 BP encoded video to a YUV file execute:

root@cm-t3730:/usr/share/ti/ti-dmai-apps# ./video_decode_io2_dm3730.x470MV -c h264dec \
 -i /usr/share/ti/data/videos/davincieffect_480p30.264 -o h264_test_output.yuv

To decode a JPEG encoded image to a YUV file execute:

root@cm-t3730:/usr/share/ti/ti-dmai-apps# ./image_decode_io1_dm3730.x470MV -c jpegdec \
 -i /usr/share/ti/data/images/remi003_422i.jpg -o jpeg_test_output.yuv

To decode an AAC encoded audio:

root@cm-t3730:/usr/share/ti/ti-dmai-apps# ./audio_decode_io1_dm3730.x470MV -c aachedec \
 -i /usr/share/ti/data/sounds/davincieffect_lc.aac -o aac_test_output.pcm
Encode Examples

To encode 100 frames of resolution 720x480 from a YUV file to an H.264 BP encoded file execute:

root@cm-t3730:/usr/share/ti/ti-dmai-apps# ./video_encode_io1_dm3730.x470MV -c h264enc \
 -i h264_test_output.yuv -o output.264 -r 720x480 -n 100

To encode a YUV file to a JPEG encoded file execute:

root@cm-t3730:/usr/share/ti/ti-dmai-apps# ./image_encode_io1_dm3730.x470MV -c jpegenc -e encode \
 -i jpeg_test_output.yuv -o Output.jpeg -r 720x576 --iColorSpace 3 --oColorSpace 1

Graphics SDK

The CM-T3730 Linux package contains pre-built and ready to run SGX functionality demo programs. The SGX configuration script must be run on CM-T3730 before first use:

root@cm-t3730:~# /etc/init.d/omap-demo

Running Graphics SDK OpenGL ES1.x Demos

To run OpenGL ES1.x demos, perform the following:

root@cm-t3730:~# cd /opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles
root@cm-t3730:/opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles# ./OGLESSkybox

This will execute the OGLESSkybox demo. Press ‘q’ on the CM-T3730 console to stop the demo execution. Similarly, any other OpenGL ES1.x demo can be executed.

For more information and command line options of the OpenGL ES1.x demos, please refer to the SDK user guide: Graphics_SDK_4_05_00_03/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES/SDKPackage/OpenGL ES SDK.User Guide.1.20f.External.pdf.

Running Graphics SDK OpenGL ES2.0 Demos

To run OpenGL ES2.x demos, perform the following:

root@cm-t3730:~# cd /opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogles2
root@cm-t3730:/opt/gfxsdkdemos/ogle2s# ./OGLES2Coverflow

This will execute the OGLES2Coverflow demo. Press ‘q’ on the CM-T3730 console to stop the demo execution. Similarly, any other OpenGL ES2.0 demo can be executed.

For more information and command line options on the OpenGL ES2.0 demos, please refer to the SDK user guide: Graphics_SDK_4_05_00_03/GFX_Linux_SDK/OGLES2/SDKPackage/OpenGL ES 2.x SDK.User Guide.1.20f.External.pdf.

See also