IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS: Debian Linux: I/O Modules Guide

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IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS supports up to eight I/O Expansion Modules that can be stacked with the main gateway in order to extend the feature set of the system. A gateway assembly includes one gateway (the left most unit) and multiple I/O Expansion modules. Module stacking is done from left to right. Up to 8 I/O Expansion Modules can be supported in one gateway assembly. The modules are interconnected using Compulab’s proprietary StackLink expansion connector that extends a series of the IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS interfaces, creating a chain of peripherals.

I/O Modules Configuration

I/O expansion modules are managed as a front-plane of virtual slots that map device access files to physical I/O modules per their positions in the stack.
During O/S boot IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS automatically runs the StackLink configurator script that detects I/O modules and configures the virtual device files used to address the hardware.
The script creates the IFM front-plane file directory that includes type and access files for all populated stack slots.

IFM Front-Plane

During O/S boot the StackLink configurator script creates the IFM front-plane file directory that includes type and access files for all populated stack slots (from A to last populated slot).


Front-plane directory structure

Example I/O modules stack:

|  Slot #  |   A   |   B   |   C   |   D   |
| IFM Type | ADC8  | DI8O8 | RS485 | RS232 |

Front-plane file directory:

|-- A
|   |-- access
|   |   |-- adc0 -> /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0
|   |   `-- adc1 -> /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1
|   `-- type.ADC8
|-- B
|   |-- access
|   |   |--
|   |   |--
|   |   `-- gpiochip -> /dev/gpiochip6
|   `-- type.DI8O8
|-- C
|   |-- access
|   |   |-- tty0 -> /dev/ttyIFM_RSx_0_0
|   |   |-- tty1 -> /dev/ttyIFM_RSx_0_1
|   |   |-- tty2 -> /dev/ttyIFM_RSx_0_2
|   |   `-- tty3 -> /dev/ttyIFM_RSx_0_3
|   `-- type.RS485
`-- D
    |-- access
    |   |-- tty0 -> /dev/ttyIFM_RSx_1_0
    |   |-- tty1 -> /dev/ttyIFM_RSx_1_1
    |   |-- tty2 -> /dev/ttyIFM_RSx_1_2
    |   `-- tty3 -> /dev/ttyIFM_RSx_1_3
    `-- type.RS232

Stack Detection Status

StackLink configurator script provides indication of I/O modules stack detection status using IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS power LED:

Power LED Status Remarks
Blinking Blue Recognized and valid configuration Normal operation
Blinking Amber Unrecognized I/O module or invalid configuration Check the log for details

Stack Detection Info

StackLink configurator script stores stack detection info log in the following designated location:


Stack Troubleshooting

Admolition warning.png DO NOT attach or detach I/O Expansion modules while the gateway is connected to DC power! Disconnect all power sources from the gateway before attaching or detaching I/O modules.

In case of invalid IFM stack status:

  1. Check the stack detection log
  2. Verify proper mechanical attachment of modules
  3. Contact technical support

IFM Backplane

/run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/backplane directory stores the system information about the physical hardware devices installed in the stack. These files should not be altered.


IFM-DI8O8 module provides an isolated block of eight digital inputs and a block of eight digital outputs.
During O/S boot IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS will automatically detect installed IFM-DI8O8 modules and create necessary access files in the front-plane directory. For additional details please refer to the Configuration chapter.

Use diodetect command to get an overview of all available Digital Inputs and Outputs:

compulab@compulab-imx8mp:/opt/iotdin-imx8p/shell$ ./diodetect
Main Gateway:   DI2O2   (2x DI; 2x DO)
Stack Slot B:   DI8O8   (8x DI; 8x DO)

Use dioget and dioset commands to access digital inputs and digital outputs.

Reading Digital Inputs

compulab@compulab-imx8mp:/opt/iotdin-imx8p/shell$ sudo ./dioget -h
Usage: dioget [options] <command>

Read digital input state from a Digital I/O (DIO) module

 -m <module> <offset>
        module: DIO module location:
            m|M - Main Gateway
            a|A - Virtual slot A
            h|H - Virtual slot H
        offset: input pin offset: <0..MaxOffset>
 -h:    display this help and exit

Read state of input pin IN_4 on IFM-DI8O8 installed in slot B:

compulab@compulab-imx8mp:/opt/iotdin-imx8p/shell$ sudo ./dioget -m B 4

Setting Digital Outputs

compulab@compulab-imx8mp:/opt/iotdin-imx8p/shell$ sudo ./dioset -h
Usage: dioset [options] <command>

Set the digital output state of a Digital I/O (DIO) module

 -m <module> <offset>  <state>
        module: DIO module location:
            m|M - Main Gateway
            a|A - Virtual slot A
            h|H - Virtual slot H
        offset: output pin offset: <0..MaxOffset>
        state:  output pin state to be set: <0|1>
 -h:    display this help and exit

Setting output pin OUT_4 to HIGH state on IFM-DI8O8 installed in slot B:

compulab@compulab-imx8mp:/opt/iotdin-imx8p/shell$ sudo ./dioset -m B 4 1


IFM-ADC8 provides eight single-ended analog input channels, divided into two blocks of 4. Inputs operate between 0-10V or 4-20mA ranges for use with industrial sensors. Each block can be set into current or voltage input mode via jumper.

During O/S boot IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS will automatically detect installed I/O modules and create necessary access files in the front-plane directory. For additional details please refer to the Configuration chapter.

Use the following commands to read the detected values:
(table is for the IFM-ADC in stack location A)

Channel Access File
1 ../run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/A/access/adc0/in_voltage0_raw
2 ../run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/A/access/adc0/in_voltage1_raw
3 ../run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/A/access/adc0/in_voltage2_raw
4 ../run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/A/access/adc0/in_voltage3_raw
5 ../run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/A/access/adc1/in_voltage0_raw
6 ../run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/A/access/adc1/in_voltage1_raw
7 ../run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/A/access/adc1/in_voltage2_raw
8 ../run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/A/access/adc1/in_voltage3_raw


IFM-RS485 I/O module provides four half-duplex RS485 ports.
During O/S boot IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS will automatically detect installed I/O modules and create necessary access files in the front-plane directory. For additional details please refer to the Configuration chapter.


For an IFM-RS485 module installed in slot C the configurator script will create the following access files:

|-- C
|   |-- access
|   |   |-- tty0
|   |   |-- tty1
|   |   |-- tty2
|   |   `-- tty3
|   `-- type.RS485

Use /run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/C/access/ttyX to access port #X


IFM-RS232 I/O module provides four 2-wire RS232 ports.
During O/S boot IOT-DIN-IMX8PLUS will automatically detect installed I/O modules and create necessary access files in the front-plane directory. For additional details please refer to the Configuration chapter.


For an IFM-RS232 module installed in slot D the configurator script will create the following access files:

|-- D
|   |-- access
|   |   |-- tty0
|   |   |-- tty1
|   |   |-- tty2
|   |   `-- tty3
|   `-- type.RS232

Use /run/iotdin-imx8p/stack/frontplane/D/access/ttyX to access port #X