Transclusion: CL-SOM-iMX7: U-Boot: Building Secure Images: Sign

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Code Signing Example

Code Signing Tool (CST)

Download CST

Admolition note.png Sign in (registration is required) to your NXP account prior to downloading the CST tool

Extract the CST archive

cd /home/development/cl-som-imx7/u-boot
gunzip -c /path/to/downloaded/cst-3.1.0.tgz | tar xzvf -
mv release cst

Create a PKI Tree

cd /home/development/cl-som-imx7/u-boot/cst/keys

    This script is a part of the Code signing tools for Freescale's
    High Assurance Boot.  It generates a basic PKI tree.  The PKI
    tree consists of one or more Super Root Keys (SRK), with each
    SRK having two subordinate keys: 
        + a Command Sequence File (CSF) key 
        + Image key. 
    Additional keys can be added to the PKI tree but a separate 
    script is available for this.  This this script assumes openssl
    is installed on your system and is included in your search 
    path.  Finally, the private keys generated are password 
    protectedwith the password provided by the file key_pass.txt.
    The format of the file is the password repeated twice:
    All private keys in the PKI tree are in PKCS #8 format will be
    protected by the same password.

Do you want to use an existing CA key (y/n)?: n
Do you want to use Elliptic Curve Cryptography (y/n)?: n
Enter key length in bits for PKI tree: 2048
Enter PKI tree duration (years): 10
How many Super Root Keys should be generated? 4
Do you want the SRK certificates to have the CA flag set? (y/n)?: y
A default 'serial' file was created!
A default file 'key_pass.txt' was created with password = test!

Generate SRK Table

cd ../crts/
../linux64/bin/srktool -h 4 -t SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin -e SRK_1_2_3_4_fuse.bin -d sha256 -c SRK1_sha256_2048_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,SRK2_sha256_2048_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,SRK3_sha256_2048_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem,SRK4_sha256_2048_65537_v3_ca_crt.pem

CSF Description Template

  • Generate the example command sequence file template.
cd ..
mkdir bin -p
cd bin
cat <<EOF >csf.txt
#Illustrative Command Sequence File Description
Version = 4.2
Hash Algorithm = sha256
Engine = ANY
Engine Configuration = 0
Certificate Format = X509
Signature Format = CMS

[Install SRK]
File = "../crts/SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin"
# Index of the key location in the SRK table to be installed
Source index = 0

[Install CSFK]
# Key used to authenticate the CSF data
File = "../crts/CSF1_1_sha256_2048_65537_v3_usr_crt.pem"

[Authenticate CSF]

[Install Key]
# Key slot index used to authenticate the key to be installed
Verification index = 0
# Target key slot in HAB key store where key will be installed
Target Index = 2
# Key to install
File= "../crts/IMG1_1_sha256_2048_65537_v3_usr_crt.pem"

[Authenticate Data]
# Key slot index used to authenticate the image data
Verification index = 2
# Address Offset Length Data File Path
Blocks = blk_vals file_name

Signing U-Boot Firmware

CSF Description

  • Generate the example command sequence files for the U-Boot and SPL.
awk 'BEGIN {file_name="\"/home/development/cl-som-imx7/u-boot/u-boot-cl-som-imx7-hab/SPL\""} /HAB Blocks:/ {blk_vals=$3 " " $4 " " $5} {sub(/blk_vals/, blk_vals); sub(/file_name/, file_name)} printline {print} ENDFILE {printline=1}' ../../u-boot-cl-som-imx7-hab/SPL.log ./csf.txt > ./csf-spl.txt
awk 'BEGIN {file_name="\"/home/development/cl-som-imx7/u-boot/u-boot-cl-som-imx7-hab/u-boot-ivt.img\""} /HAB Blocks:/ {blk_vals=$3 " " $4 " " $5} {sub(/blk_vals/, blk_vals); sub(/file_name/, file_name)} printline {print} ENDFILE {printline=1}' ../../u-boot-cl-som-imx7-hab/u-boot-ivt.img.log ./csf.txt > ./csf-uboot.txt

CSF Binary Signature

  • Generate the CSF binary signature for the U-Boot and SPL.
../linux64/bin/cst --o csf-spl.bin --i csf-spl.txt
../linux64/bin/cst --o csf-uboot.bin --i csf-uboot.txt

Attach CSF Signature

  • Attach CSF Signature to the U-Boot and SPL Images.
cat /home/development/cl-som-imx7/u-boot/u-boot-cl-som-imx7-hab/SPL csf-spl.bin > spl-signed
cat /home/development/cl-som-imx7/u-boot/u-boot-cl-som-imx7-hab/u-boot-ivt.img csf-uboot.bin > u-boot-signed

Generate Firmware Image

  • Merge the SPL and U-Boot images into one firmware image.
dd if=/dev/zero count=640 bs=1K | tr '\000' '\377' >  cl-som-imx7-firmware
dd if=spl-signed of=cl-som-imx7-firmware bs=1K seek=1 conv=notrunc
dd if=u-boot-signed of=cl-som-imx7-firmware bs=1K seek=64 conv=notrunc
mv cl-som-imx7-firmware /tftproot/cl-som-imx7/test/

Signing Kernel Image

Image Parameters

  • Calculate kernel image parameters.

Replace /path/to/zimage/zImage with the actual kernel image path.

read zimage_pad_size <<< $(ls -l $zimage_path | awk '{size=int(($5+0xfff)/0x1000)*0x1000; print size}')
zimage_self_ptr=$(printf "0x%x\n" $(($zimage_pad_size+0x80800000)))
zimage_csf_ptr=$(printf "0x%x\n" $(($zimage_self_ptr+0x20)))
zImage_pad_ivt_size=$(printf "0x%x\n" $(($zimage_pad_size+0x20)))

Image Vector Table

  • Generate the image vector table.
cat <<EOF >genIVT
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open(my \$out, '>:raw', 'ivt.bin') or die "Unable to open: \$!";
print \$out pack("V", 0x412000D1); # Signature
print \$out pack("V", 0x80800000); # Load Address
print \$out pack("V", 0x0); # Reserved
print \$out pack("V", 0x0); # DCD pointer
print \$out pack("V", 0x0); # Boot Data
print \$out pack("V", $zimage_self_ptr); # Self Pointer *ivt
print \$out pack("V", $zimage_csf_ptr); # CSF Pointer *csf
print \$out pack("V", 0x0); # Reserved
chmod +x genIVT

Image Padding

objcopy -I binary -O binary --pad-to $zimage_pad_size --gap-fill=0x00 $zimage_path zImage_pad

Adding IVT

  • Append the image vector table at the end of the padded kernel image.
cat zImage_pad ivt.bin > zImage_pad_ivt

CSF Description

  • Generate the example command sequence files for the kernel image.
awk -v blk_vals="0x80800000 0x000 $zImage_pad_ivt_size" ' {sub(/blk_vals/, blk_vals); sub(/file_name/, "\"zImage_pad_ivt\""); print}' ./csf.txt > ./csf-zimage.txt

CSF Binary Signature

  • Generate the CSF binary signature for the kernel image.

../linux64/bin/cst --o csf-zImage --i csf-zimage.txt

Attach CSF Signature

  • Attach CSF Signature to the kernel image.

cat zImage_pad_ivt csf-zImage > zImage_signed